Sample tests

Sample tests include Verification of dimensions, Temperature cycle test, Mechanical failing load test, Porosity Test, and Galvanizing Test. The following is the detailed information.

Sample tests:
Verification of dimensions
E2 samples chosen at random shall comply with the Manufacturing Control Drawings, if any one of the insulators fail then twice are selected at random and checked again for compliance. If any one of the second three fail then the entire lot must be checked prior to shipment. Any insulator not meeting the dimensional requirements shall constitute failure and shall be discarded.

Temperature cycle test
E1 + E2 insulators shall be selected at random and tested for three complete cycles in accordance with section 23.1 of IEC 60383-1. The temperature of the hot water bath shall be 70°C higher than the temperature of the cold water bath. If one of the insulator cracks of shatters then twice are selected at random and checked again for compliance.

Mechanical failing load test
E1 insulators shall be selected and tested in accordance with section 19.1 of IEC 60383-1. Failure of any one insulator under the specified mechanical failing load shall constitute to select twice and checked again for compliance.

Porosity Test
At least three (3) specimens shall be selected from E1 insulators destroyed in previous mechanical testing and tested in accordance with section 25 of IEC 60383-1. Penetration of the dye into the body of the dielectric shall constitute to select twice and checked again for compliance.

Galvanizing Test
E2 insulators shall be selected at random and tested in accordance with Section 26 of IEC60383-1. Five to ten measurements shall be uniformly and randomly distributed over the entire surface. Both the average thickness value for each individual specimen and the average of the entire sample shall equal or exceed the 86.4μm (2.1 mil.).
If the average of one specimen, pr if the average of the entire sample, fails to comply with the above, twice pieces of the same type of hardware shall be selected at random and tested. Failure of the retest sample to comply with the minimum thickness criteria shall constitute failure of the lot to meet the requirements of this standard.

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